Mossley Dental Care understands that dental hygiene is an important feature of preventative dentistry and a prerequisite for a perfect smile, which is why the practice has provided its patients with up to 4 hygienist and dental therapist.

Oral hygiene

Hygienists Georgina and Carol are highly trained on preventing dental cavities and gum diseases. They help both young and old patients understand the best way to use inter-dental brushes, dental floss, electronic aid and toothbrushes. Information will also be provided on the types of food that can cause problems for the teeth. All this information will help avoid possible dental conditions. As with all issues, it better to prevent than to cure, and the job of the hygienist will directly help the patient to prevent major dental conditions.

The hygienists will chart and examine the gums and teeth for any signs of swelling, bleeding, plaque, calculus and inflammation. The surface stains and plaque will be removed by gently scrapping and polishing the tooth surface. Prophyflex power sprays will also be used when required.

Bad breath

Bad breath is another problem that can be addressed by the hygienist. Issues causing bad breath will be identified and will be appropriately dealt with.

Apart from the procedures undertaken by the hygienists, dental therapist Becky and Lee are able to take x-rays, conduct filling sessions and tooth extractions for the younger patients.

Hygiene is an important aspect of dental care. Any leniency with dental hygiene will make way for major dental conditions to develop. Every patient should visit the Hygiene team after every 3 months or 6 months. A combination of care from a dental hygienist and regular care at home will result in a healthy mouth. This in turn will enhance your appearance, keep your teeth healthy and will help you maintain a fresh breath. For more information on our dental hygienists please contact the team at Mossley Dental care near to Hyde.