Dental implants are a great way to replace missing or loose teeth and are a fantastic alternative to dentures.

Root form dental implant

First there is the root form dental implant. This implant is used most often and is best if there is a lot of depth and width to the patient’s jawbone. When being fitted you will receive an anaesthetic and once this has taken effect your dentist will then proceed to expose an area of the jawbone before preparing it for the insertion of the implant. Once the implant is inserted and fitted into the correct place your gums will then be stitched so the healing process can commence, which can take 3 to 6 months. Once the implant is fully healed the abutment will then be attached. For those who have narrow jawbones, or a jawbone that is too short for the implant to be fitted, bone grafting may be required first.

Immediate Load Dental Implants

Then there is the immediate load dental implant. This implant and crown are immediately placed after the extraction of a tooth. To have this treatment you must have a significant amount of bone in order to stabilise the implant.

When having this type of implant there are two different procedures, the first requires an impression to be made of your jawbone after it has been exposed, this is then used to make a personally fitted implant for your jaw. You could also have a CAT scan instead of an impression of your jaw in order to build your implant.

Benefits of dental implants

Dental implants are the best way of replacing a missing tooth or teeth, as they replace both the tooth and the root, which means added security and stability. Patients can eat, speak and laugh with confidence, without worrying about their new false teeth falling out. Dental implants, if well maintained, can last an entire lifetime and are also a great deal more natural looking than other restoratives.