Naturally, we would all like a perfect smile to boost our confidence and improve our quality of life. However, many people have reservations on regular orthodontic treatments, such as the metal ‘train track’ braces, that may be uncomfortable, unsightly and very slow to work, resulting in up to three years of misery and embarrassment in some people. Now, with revolutionary new breakthroughs, it is simple, quick and discreet to achieve that perfect smile with ‘Six Month Smiles’.

How does Six Month Smiles differ?

Six Month Smiles braces differ drastically from traditional orthodontic treatments; they are practically invisible so discretion is available for the patient. They are smooth and comfortable, which is appealing for anyone apprehensive of having a mouth full of metal. Unlike other clear aligners on the market – such as Invisalign and Simpli5 – these are attached with wires and brackets, which means you do not have to keep altering their position if they come loose, or keep removing them and putting them back in.

How does it work?

Your dentist will make a mould of your teeth to allow a 3D model to be crafted. Using this model, two trays are designed specifically for the alignment and structure of your teeth. These are then attached with dentist adhesive and wires (don’t worry, these are the colour of your teeth, so are barely noticeable too) to apply the right amount of pressure that will gradually rid you of your oral imperfections.

So, if you think Six Month Smiles might be for you, consult the team at Mossley Dental Care near Denton for a no obligation consultation. Your dentist appreciates that there are now a number of different techniques on the market to offer you your perfect smile, so can give you the best advice to suit your teeth.