Britain is a nation of tea drinkers, but sadly tea stains the teeth. Other popular drinks, such as wine and cola, are equally responsible for a slight yellowing of the previously pearly whites. How then can we return our discoloured fangs to their former sparkling glory? Elementary, dear reader: With a simple teeth whitening procedure.

Teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a procedure, available in many forms, which removes stains and discolouration from the teeth. Most procedures are based around a bleaching process. At Mossley Dental near Rochdale we offer: Home teeth whitening, deep bleaching, Zoom! whitening and a combination approach incorporating Zoom! and Home whitening procedures.

Home whitening

Most of this procedure can be done from home. A mould of your teeth will be made and then turned into a custom fit mouth guard. A mouth guard in conjunction with professional whitening gel can produce effective results in about two weeks. We will guide you through every step of the process, to ensure an effective home treatment.

Deep bleaching protocol

Utilising ‘super sealed’ bleaching gum shields, sealing the gel in place, this process arguably achieves whiter teeth than home whitening, but requires both in-surgery application of the gel and home application.

Zoom! whitening

Zoom! is one of the most popular whitening systems available. Unlike the two previously mentioned procedures, Zoom! whitening can be completed in about an hour. Zoom! utilises a gel activated by ultraviolet light. Together, the gel and light work to break up stains on the teeth and whiten the teeth. Our combination procedure follows up Zoom! treatment with home whitening: A double threat to persistent stains.


It should be noted that many people are not suitable for teeth whitening, particularly those suffering from gum disease or other dental problems. It should also be noted that teeth whitening will not affect the colour of crowns, veneers or fillings. Don’t worry though, as any potential problems will be addressed during your initial consultation.