Mr Winston attended a Damon braces symposium in South Manchester last week which was attended by about 30 orthodontists from around the UK.

The day included an update of the latest research on Damon braces including the benefits over conventional braces which include quicker treatments, less friction which makes teeth easier to move with more gentle forces, better rotational control of teeth, and there was an emphasis on non-extraction treatments.

It was felt that whenever possible treatments should be carried out without taking out healthy teeth. This encourages expansion of the side teeth which gives a wider and fuller smile. And because the teeth give support to the lips the end result often improves the face and profile of the patient too!

Mr Winston discussed a case of a patient he treated from Manchester who had had a previous consultation at an orthodontist for tooth straightening with invisible braces but had been advised to have four healthy teeth removed.  Sometimes this is necessary but Mr Winston is now finding that more and more cases can be treated beautifully without taking out these teeth. This patient was therefore treated on a non-extraction basis with Damon braces and the braces were removed just a couple of months ago.

Mr Winston offers a free no obligation initial consultation so if you would like a second opinion or are interested in any type of brace system then phone our reception to book an appointment.