These days in Manchester when you walk down Deansgate you are just as likely to see someone in their 30’s or 40’s with tooth braces as you are to see a teenager who is undergoing orthodontics. The reason adult braces are becoming more popular is because they are available in metal free “plastic” versions which are far less visible and also that they work much quicker than they used to.

If you want nice straight front teeth the average treatment time at Mossley Dental Care is about six to nine months and Mr Winston is achieving consistently great results with Six Month Smiles braces for patients from all around Manchester. Last week a patient came to the practice from Middleton wanting to know if we could do anything for her crooked teeth. She had refused braces as a child because at the time she did not want to undergo 2-3 years of treatment. We told her that we could straighten her front teeth in about six months and we showed her the clear tooth braces that we use and she decided to get started as soon as possible because she had a holiday planned for later on this year and wanted to see if we could get her treatment done before she went.

We have various payment options including interest free credit so you can spread the cost of your treatment, we offer convenient evening appointments and we are just a short drive from the M60 with plenty free parking around the practice. Mr Winston has over ten years of orthodontic experience and has a MSc degree in the subject.

Of course not everbody is suitable for Six Month Smiles treatment but we offer various tooth straightening options and at your free consultation we can explain all your options. Other options include, Invisalign, the inman aligner, lingual braces and Damon braces. Mossley Dental Care treats patient from around greater Manchester and has a great reputation for quality orthodontic results.